Wednesday, September 17, 2008

slow minute

Here is Clair waiting on an elevator. She was under the impression that when you push a button something should happen right away. When I told her the elevator takes a slow minute she understood and stopped being frustrated with the elevator. A few days back Clair was eating and taking her time about it while of course I was ready for her to be done. I made some comment about her needing to be finished and she said she to give her just a minute. She had already asked for "a minute" like 10 minutes before and when I reminded her of this she replied with " I need a slow minute". Well I had to give this one to her she is from the South and as a true Southerner she has already at her young age found the key to be a Southerner. The true antonym to a New York minute, the Southern minute is a slow minute. The Webster definition of a minute being 60 seconds whatever part of the world you reside, I believe it is open for interpretation. In the south a minute is a long sip of sweet iced tea followed by a sigh in other regions it is a lifetime of accomplishments done in an instant. Others may find either type of minute to fit their lifestyle, she has found hers to be the relaxed version. How do you define your minute?


Donna Wright said...

I love it! What a great photo! My definition of a minute varies from day to day, minute to minute. I know for sure that it's longer than 60 seconds usually. I think my kids at school get very tired of hearing " in a minute..."

Anonymous said...

As a southern girl myself, Im with clair.. I need a slow minute.. ALWAYS! Shes as cute as ever and i cant wait to see you guys over the holidays
P.S. LOVE the blog!
Aunt Megan (that sounds so old!)