Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008
shop sucess
Friday, November 14, 2008
show time
Today is the first show of the Holiday shopping season for Lovely Lou. I will be at doing a show to support the Jr. League of Tallahassee this weekend; Friday night, all day Saturday, and all day Sunday. It is at the Tallahassee Automotive Museum. So much work goes into doing a show of this nature. There is always more that I want to have ready and very little time. I am proud of how this one is jelling despite the many hurdles there have been to jump. I must admit I have had to knock a few of those hurdles down because they were just too stubborn. Mainly this horrible cold that every member of my family including the ones who help keep my sanity have had. I have entrusted the rest of my brain to my Mother so that I can focus on the tasks at hand. I am thinking about forwarding my calls to her next time so she can handle anything not Lovely Lou related. All is well and we are ready to roll for preview shopping tonight. Get your orders in now for your Holiday clothes, it will be here before you know it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
slow minute
Here is Clair waiting on an elevator. She was under the impression that when you push a button something should happen right away. When I told her the elevator takes a slow minute she understood and stopped being frustrated with the elevator. A few days back Clair was eating and taking her time about it while of course I was ready for her to be done. I made some comment about her needing to be finished and she said she to give her just a minute. She had already asked for "a minute" like 10 minutes before and when I reminded her of this she replied with " I need a slow minute". Well I had to give this one to her she is from the South and as a true Southerner she has already at her young age found the key to be a Southerner. The true antonym to a New York minute, the Southern minute is a slow minute. The Webster definition of a minute being 60 seconds whatever part of the world you reside, I believe it is open for interpretation. In the south a minute is a long sip of sweet iced tea followed by a sigh in other regions it is a lifetime of accomplishments done in an instant. Others may find either type of minute to fit their lifestyle, she has found hers to be the relaxed version. How do you define your minute?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
sweet land of liberty
Tyeson has the honor of raising the Flag on this day of remembrance. While he was alive when the towers fell on this day 7 years ago, he has little memory of it. He was too small to know the impact that day had on our country. It was the first day of my generation that I can say I remember that day, what I was doing and where I was. I can now relate to the World War II times when Pearl Harbor was bombed and D-day. I feel so blessed to have been born an American; to have family that has and will continue to fight for her. I pray that my country will still be great for my children and that they will know the same freedoms I have known. And when they see Old Glory raised it will have the same impact of pride and sacrifice.
Monday, September 8, 2008
soldier boy
Thursday, September 4, 2008
dirty jobs
OK so when the time came to clean up this mess, my husband quickly calls ,"I got the kitchen". Like you would do as a child gunning for the "not it" position in a back yard game of tag. I was feeling like I got the better end of the deal and carried him to the tub with outstreched arms so as not to futher spread the ickeyness. I was sucessful in not spreading icing all over the place and decided to put the other munchkin in the tub at the same time. All goes well and I take Asher out to dry off while Clair stays to play. She gets out of the tub without permission and comes running in the baby's room in her beloved hooded towel. At first I was frustrated with the sound of those feet hitting the floor but once she arrived and I saw the towel she was praised for remembering to not get water everywhere. Later go into the bathroom to pick up and the smell hits me before I reach the door.Not sure where the source of the smell is I check to see if the toliet was flushed and it was. I look in the tub and the water was all drained. My first tought was she is so good she even drain the water; and then I found the source. Not only had she used the tub as a toliet but thought she could hide the edivance by making it go down the drain. I have to give her credit for the attempt however the baby's bath seat was blocking the path to the drain. So instead of getting off easy with putting a few dished in the washer, I have to get all the stinking bath toys out of the tub and the monster baby tub and get out the bleach. I went to fetch the spray bottle from the kitchen and gave my husband a good thump for knowing that this would happen and once again getting out of the dirty job.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
a whole year
Thursday, July 31, 2008
little mama
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
best buds

Friday, July 25, 2008
new for fall
Thursday, July 24, 2008
So the question is, What is your most frustrating product or lack of product you use with your children?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
great and grand
Monday, July 14, 2008
camper boy
Saturday, July 12, 2008
john john

A submitted picture of a LOVELY LOU customer. He is wearing the short Louis romper in blue pin stripe seersucker and monogrammed in the diamond font. The peter pan shirt, also made by LOVELY LOU, is piped in the same seersucker fabric. This pattern style was named the John John because JFK Jr. wore them so much. Jacqueline was a fashion icon for not only women but for children as well.
Your children are lovely dress them so.
Friday, July 11, 2008
fruit of the week
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
brotherly love
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
doors and windows
Why do we torture ourselves to try and get good pictures of our children? You start out making faces and dangling toys in front of them to try and coax out some look of happiness. A picture of the parent would be more appropriate at this stage because you look like a circus act. When acting foolish doesn't amuse them you resort to,"Just do this for me and I'll get you a lollipop." Sometimes they will see your struggle and sit still for a moment but the camera's delay is longer than their moment. Frustration leads you to go with what ever you can get, they were both looking your direction or at least they weren't crying. You tun off the camera, move out of the way of the T.V. and then like rays of sunshine their faces light up and you realized you have made a better door than a window. Click on the link to view the short Louis boys romper and the Louise dress shown here and the rest of the LOVELY LOU collection.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Legacy of Freedom
Thursday, July 3, 2008
happy days
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
miss fancy pants
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
the shop
This small space is the literal shop. Finding the time to get into my shop to work can be the biggest challenge. Sometimes my youngest will only be satisfied when able to see my face. I solved this problem by putting the Bumbo chair on the work table. Now I am able to steal a few moments to whip together my next order for my children's clothing line. All I have to do is keep the sharp objects away from the baby. Click on the link to view Louie shorts worn in this picture.
Monday, June 30, 2008
brown bear
Sunday, June 29, 2008
watermelon dress
Today I wore the watermelon dress to church. This dress was a gift from my mother and she described it as a watermelon. I must admit I was doubtful about wearing anything that would make me appear to be a watermelon. After having spent a total of 27 months of pregnancy the last thing you want is to look like a watermelon. When I received the dress I felt it didn't look anything like a watermelon; there is no green on it and the "seeds" are white instead of black. The neck line did look a bit like a nice slice of ripe melon but otherwise I did not make the same association and loved the dress. I wore it for the first time today and as we are pulling out of the driveway to head to Church, my husband says to me,"Your dress looks like a watermelon".
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